Following on from our exploration of the Fixed Asset Register, today we’ll be looking at another of iFinance’s handy and intuitive features: Workflow Approval. But, just before we get started, let’s have a brief recap on using iFinance.
The unique, cutting-edge solution has been designed to help your Finance and Senior Management teams avoid costly mistakes and the duplication of data, whilst also addressing many key areas of concern. By bringing your school’s academic, wellbeing and administrative elements together with a powerful accounting software, you’ll save time by streamlining and automating substantial aspects of your financial processes.
Find out more about iFinance.
With our Workflow Approval, you’re able to automatically send paperless POs and purchase invoices for approval before they’re posted to the accounting system, including options to add customisable layers of approval. Not only does this significantly reduce the bulk of paperwork you need to manage and store, but it enables a seamlessly efficient approval process.
There are numerous benefits to using iFinance’s digitised Workflow Approval, mainly through the amount of time it will save you when approaching approval processes. In automating the processes for reviewing or approving invoices by authorised personnel, in addition to avoiding laborious manual processing with our fully integrated invoice capture feature, your finance team’s accounting efficiency will only increase.
Not only this, but you can accurately keep track of each request with real-time views of the status of an approval, so you’ll always receive the most up-to-date information. Additionally, you can rest easy knowing that your data is secure and won’t be accidentally altered, as authorised approvers don’t necessarily need to be system users.
Please find below a brief step-by-step guide on how to use our Workflow Approval feature.